Premier Yarns Starbella 15-17 Seabreeze 100-Percent Acrylic Yarn
You looking to find the "Premier Yarns Starbella 15-17 Seabreeze 100-Percent Acrylic Yarn" Good news! You can purchase Premier Yarns Starbella 15-17 Seabreeze 100-Percent Acrylic Yarn with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:

Product Feature
- Quick to knit or crochet
- Easy for beginners
- One skein needed for scarf
- Sold as single unit
Product Description
Premier Yarns Starbella is a yarn that is really a piece of net that can be knit or crocheted in tape form or open it up and stitch through the loops across the top to create beautiful ruffles. The ruffles will add sophistication to any garment or project. 100-Percent Acrylic. Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Premier Yarns Starbella 15-17 Seabreeze 100-Percent Acrylic Yarn" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Premier Yarns Starbella 15-17 Seabreeze 100-Percent Acrylic Yarn ...